Monday, December 8, 2008

job hunting ... part 2

so i had an interview today with dr. patience for this research assistant job. since he's new he didn't know all the details, but is just finding out what the hiring process looks like ... he said if it's up to him he'd hire me today, but it just can't work like that. he has to

1. post the job opening on the ISU employment website
2. it has to be on the web 15 days
3. interview any/all qualified applicants (yes i will be interviewed again)
4. then hire! (jan 15ish by the time it's all done)

the good news is he wants to hire me ... and is going to write the job description tailored to my experiences and stuff ... (i think all but the short and blond part)

the bad news is i still have to WAIT ... and there is a possibility that someone more qualified could apply. he could choose me, but if there's someone more qualified it would be questioned why that person wasn't hired.

so all said and done ... my future is still unknown ... but in the hands of the sovereign God -and He can do as He pleases


Friday, December 5, 2008

job hunting ... or not so hunting part 1

so quitting my job and moving in with sylvia in ames leaves me ... unemployed. funny how that works huh? it's actually been a good break ... fun times hanging out learning what it means to be a friend, times at home with family, thinking and reading and discovering more about myself, and hunting for jobs. but perhaps the word HUNT doesn't apply for this story. sylvia's dad knows this animal science prof (ya ya works out well since i have an animal science degree) at iowa state. so when they ran into each other in a stationary biking class at the gym, her dad got his name and info for me. i called and set up an appointment to chat with dr. timms ... a dairy prof. so i don't know much about dairy ... it's interesting and would like to know more, but don't. i didn't even know he was a dairy guy until i met him. the conversation went kinda like this ...

timms: so i don't have any positions, but getting a job is all about networking and knowing people, so i thought i could help
me: cool, thanks
timms: how did you get here?
me: [long story mentioning fort dodge, home, story city, omaha, homelessness, grant writing, etc]
timms: what are you interested in ... i could read your resume, but you can tell me instead
me: swine
timms: really?
me: i'd like to get experience before i possibly pursue a masters in swine disease research or swine nutrition
timms: really?
me: ya
timms: if you could pick between lab work, farm work or grant writing what would you pick?
me: um, probably none if i have to do them 40 hours/week for the rest of my life
timms: so you like all of them?
me: ya
timms: do you want to meet dr. john patience?
me: sure
timms: ok let's go now

so we went up a floor and walked in to the office. this amazing lady who was the secretary in the office of the prof i worked for a couple years ago was sitting at the desk. how fun!! she was totally like "is this the girl interested in the position?!?!" ya it was fun. so john patience ... he's a new prof working with swine nutrition, looking for an assistant to help him in the lab, on the farm, and potentially with some grants in the future. he's also willing to work with the person to start grad classes in a few years. WHAT?!?! so i chatted with him ... and was like "either this job was created for me or i was created for this job." he was ready to hire, but was taking off for thanksgiving and some business for two weeks. he flies into des moines at 3.30 dec 5th and was even willing to interview me for real as soon as he gets back to ames friday. we decided waiting until monday was just fine ... and then he could get some more details about the position ironed out. hence the title ... part 1 ... monday at 2.30 i have an interview. we'll see what happens ... God is good and will provide either way ... but wouldn't it be cool if he provided in this way??

Thursday, December 4, 2008

cookie day

cookie day was great this year. i don't think we made as many cookies, but we had more people than normal. funny how that works. maybe it's because everyone got a big kick out of wii ... even grandpa. it was super great to watch people!! playing wii in the living room even forced dad and grandpa into the kitchen to watch college football on the tiny tv. dad and adam stopped working at noon for lunch (well actually at 2, but close enough) ... i don't think they touched cookie baking, but it made for a relaxing day. sometimes i'm not big on traditions, but this whole getting family together has been amazing lately. so it's fun to laugh and chill and be with people. .... and enjoy life.
and if you want some cookies ... we have a few :)