Wednesday, March 25, 2009

God's faithfulness

so a sermon on lamentations 2 from bob thune...

God is so faithful to his covenants which is sometimes good for us and other times bad for us. we too often mistake God's faithfulness for God being on our side and always working for us... but really he wouldn't be God if he did that. sometimes he works against even his own people ... check out lamentations 2. he doesn't make idol threats, but instead gives out both blessings and curses according to what he promises in his covenants. if we don't obey ... there will be consequences. sometimes i think that believers nowaday think it's only non believers who will face the horrid curses for their sins and they should all repent for those ... but in reality when we don't repent, he is faithful to work against us. the whole sowing and reaping stuff ... if we sow disobedience and sin how can we expect to reap blessing? if we sow laziness how can we expect spiritual maturity? but we do!! how does that happen!!

because God is faithful we need to fear him. let's worship God for his faithfulness in the midst of lamenting over the sin in us, around us, and towards us ... let's worship him because ITS GOOD NEWS THAT HE IS FAITHFUL... he even worked against his own perfect son because he is faithful towards his covenants

oh that we would have a right view of God

at least we aren't to the end of the book of lamentations yet :) ... as we read in ch 2 about the writer begging for mercy. ... he is also faithful in his mercy!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

it's all about the heart

seems as if it has been quite some time since i blogged aye? (i'm beginning to like the use of the word aye...perhaps it's because my boss is canadian and no matter how hard he tries not to use it, it still slips out every now and then). the past few weeks have pretty much been eat, sleep, and work ... hence the no blog post since feb 6th. from march 3rd to march 18th i jumped into our first experiment with baby pigs. i fed them twice a day and did some other researchy things ...ask if you want more details :). other than eat, sleep, and work, last week i got in my first frizbee playing of the year ... super fun and yes, i too am stoked about the warm weather!

last night i got to have supper with my boss, a future phd student, the head of the animal science department and his wife, and another prof and his wife. it was really good actually. i was a bit nervous going in, but i was actually comfortable with just being myself. i didn't talk much, but that's me. i took off my shoes and no one else did, i didn't drink alcohol and most did ... but walked out of there 1. not embarrased to be me at all and not caring what they thought at all ... and 2. i felt pain for the brokenness of a fallen world and the effects that sin has on people ... and 3. they talked about global stuff and traveling for reasons the world would travel, but when they talk of india or china my heart was affected .... moved ... stirred. it's interesting to feel pain and to be affected by things i used to not be affected by but longed to be affected by. i rarely get affected at a heart level when people talk about missions ... but when these people talked about people overseas and when i got to see in the lives of these americans here ... something happened in my heart. i could walk out of that place praising God because i can see evidence of Him graciously taking bits of my heart of stone and making it a heart of flesh. it was a good night ... my boss even asked me to pray before the meal. i thought it was funny because his intial question was started with since you like public speaking and you go to church ...would you mind saying grace? it's funny because praying isn't really public speaking and going to church doesn't seem to mean a whole lot these days, but you know ....

i beg God that they would see me as more than a girl who goes to church or a nice girl who does good churchy things or works hard or doesn't drink as often as "i should"... but instead i would live a God glorifying life ... a life that's different and distinct from the world. a life that's real and not worried about appearance ... and all that other God glorifying stuff :)

my boss had me read the bestseller business book called who moved my cheese.... i guess i missed blogging about that, but perhaps someday he'll ask me what i thought about it