Monday, December 8, 2008

job hunting ... part 2

so i had an interview today with dr. patience for this research assistant job. since he's new he didn't know all the details, but is just finding out what the hiring process looks like ... he said if it's up to him he'd hire me today, but it just can't work like that. he has to

1. post the job opening on the ISU employment website
2. it has to be on the web 15 days
3. interview any/all qualified applicants (yes i will be interviewed again)
4. then hire! (jan 15ish by the time it's all done)

the good news is he wants to hire me ... and is going to write the job description tailored to my experiences and stuff ... (i think all but the short and blond part)

the bad news is i still have to WAIT ... and there is a possibility that someone more qualified could apply. he could choose me, but if there's someone more qualified it would be questioned why that person wasn't hired.

so all said and done ... my future is still unknown ... but in the hands of the sovereign God -and He can do as He pleases


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