Thursday, November 12, 2009

strengths finder

so awhile ago i took a test on line called Strengths Finders 2.0. it talks about how we have strengths and weakness and lots of times people focus on improving their weaknesses... but it also talks about how cool it is if we actually focus on sharpening our strengths instead of using all our time and energy on always fixing all our weaknesses. we have strengths for a reason ... let's find them and use them ... (kinda like spiritual gifts in the body of Christ).

it was interesting and today was a day i saw my strengths be used at work. it was one of those days were i was in the office trying to organize my brain and office, analyze and compile data for multiple experiments, schedule work for an undergrad, having the computer guy try to get my lost Quicken data from the last 4 months back, and run one last titanium dioxide assay in the lab ... with tasting 7 different cured ham samples from the meat lab in the middle ... what a day. but the thing that led me to think about my strengths is that i wasn't totally exhausted after working 8-5 and having lunch at my desk while continuing to stare at my computer. i was energized... enough to go run a couple miles at the fitness center as soon as i got off work... how can that be?? there are 5 strengths that the test gives but i'll just list the ones that were in full swing today. oh so fun.

You like to solve problems. Whereas some are dismayed when they encounter yet another breakdown, you can be energized by it. You enjoy the challenge of analyzing the symptoms, identifying what is wrong, and finding the solution.

Driven by your talents, you automatically set out to do things right. As a result, you usually invent better ways to tackle assignments, studies, or chores. You are apt to make small yet necessary upgrades to enhance the efficiency and overall performance of various processes or individuals. Chances are good that you enjoy listening to public speakers. You are attracted to those who inspire you to think about what you can do better either personally or professionally. By nature, you typically are an eager and willing student. You genuinely derive satisfaction from examining new sources of information. You often arrive at conclusions about how to make certain things better. It’s very likely that you search for opportunities to improve yourself. You are determined to confront your weak points and correct them. Because of your strengths, you routinely set aside about five hours of quiet time each week to think. You make a point to pause and consider things you need to do better. You typically figure out how to update and streamline various processes, tasks, ideas, or activities.


Because of your strengths, you often spend considerable time examining the details underpinning an idea. Rather than rush through your research, you typically stick with it until you are convinced everything makes sense. It’s very likely that you expend much mental energy making sense of events, identifying problems, and/or creating solutions. You likely sort through a lot of information to pinpoint essential facts. You probably rely on reason to arrive at sound conclusions or to make correct decisions. Driven by your talents, you concentrate for extended periods of time. This is one reason why you ultimately master skills and grasp concepts.

It brings you the energy you need to work long hours without burning out. It is the jolt you can always count on to get you started on new tasks, new challenges.

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